How to become an ESN member / Donations
Membership fee: 40€ for two calendar years (registration for one year is no longer possible)
1) Join ESN
2) pay online, go to the member's area to pay.
2b) pay by bank transfer
select preferred payment type to "bank transfer" in the member's area
pay 40€ to ESN, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands; IBAN: NL52 RABO 0147 9441 98; BIC: RABONL2U
Please send proof of payment to (Sebastian Eves-van den Akker) and (ESN treasurer) with the details of the names and Email of each person who register for the membership)
Donations are most welcome
You can make a donation to the ESN to help sustain its current activities and allow us to widen our support of the Nematology Community with new initiatives. The work of the ESN is funded largely by membership fees and any surplus generated by our biennial Symposia. All revenue feeds back to the members. We support primarily younger nematologists by, for example, awarding bursaries to enable their attendance at our Symposia (28 were awarded in 2024), funding the Virtual Nematology Conferences organised by the Young Nematologists Network (YNN) and providing support for other YNN activities.
You can also donate via bank transfer (see account details above). To help us identify the payment as a donation rather than a membership fee, please include an additional €0.10 in the amount. For example, if you wish to donate €50, transfer €50.10.
Thank you very much!